Victimless Non-Violent Sex Offenses Attorney in Kentucky
Prostitution, Pandering, Solicitation
Prostitution, solicitation, pandering, and pimping are either felonies or misdemeanors in most states. Prostitution is defined as a person receiving payment for sexual intercourse or other sexual acts. Pimping is defined as soliciting acts of prostitution or pandering on behalf of another. Although frequently a misdemeanor, it is typically a crime to hire a person to perform sexual acts for payment.
A prostitution charge may be the result of a law enforcement sting operation, using police officer decoys to pose as prostitutes. In this instance, potential customers agreed to a price for a sexual act and are arrested. Some men caught in this situation have no prior record, want to keep the matter private, and do not want to go to trial to avoid potential adverse effects on their marriage, family, and employment.
If you have been caught in a prostitution sting operation, call (502) 237-0871 today to schedule a consultation with William M. Butler, Jr. to evaluate your interaction with undercover officers to determine your defense.
Indecent Exposure and Lewd Acts
Lewd acts, lascivious conduct, and indecent exposure may be charged as a misdemeanor in most states. These crimes may also involve pornography, engaging in sexual acts in a public place, or exposing the genitals in a public place.
Indecent exposure may be charged as a felony, which may require long-term registration as a sex offender or psychological treatment in some states. In these cases, a defense attorney, if contacted promptly, can interview all prosecution witnesses and other witnesses that may help in your defense. If your case cannot be defended, your lawyer may try to negotiate for psychological treatment instead of jail time.
Secure Legal Counsel
Even victimless sex offenses carry the possibility of serious penalties and life-changing requirements, such as psychological treatment or registration requirements.
If you are facing any of these sex crimes, call (502) 237-0871 today to schedule a consultation with aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney William M. Butler Jr., to discuss your legal rights and options. Or contact him via email or text to schedule your initial confidential consultation. For over 35 years, he has skillfully defended thousands of clients, compiling an impressive record of positive results, and he can defend you too. For more information, please see his Case Results and Testimonials.
- With over 35 years of experience defending clients
- Who is confident and proficient in trial
- Who speaks your language and the language of prosecutors

Hear From Our Happy Clients
"Outstanding and Caring"
Mr. Butler is an outstanding and caring attorney. I know he has my best interest at heart I would not have another attorney defend me.- Sara L.